Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Winter Jewelry

Choose the right jewelry for the winter season! 

Summer jewelry cannot be worn during chilling cold but one can alwasy mix and match. When we think of winter, we think of cold and snow...colour hint is a white range. Sparkly silver/sterling silver accessories reflects sparkling ice. Necklace length can be super short suiting one's turtle neck or elegantly long..something like a sterling silver wire with loads glass beads.
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Black is also a strong winter colour. One can mix black silver or with crystals. Stack simple bracelets or pile a chunky silver jewelry all on one wrist...

Be creative,experiment and mix & match summer accessories like pearl jewelry with other white coloured/crystal jewelries to accessorize your winter outfit. One can use lace/lace accerssory into the mix softens harsh crystal look.


  1. This is very nice jewelry and I love that type of jewelry.Thank for sharing me that information.you can see more at
    Handmade jewelry

    1. Hi James,
      Thank you!:) I saw the link, like the pieces n especially the earrings. Do u design them?


  2. Pretty Earrings!!

    Found you via the Craft Forum and love a new blog read so looking forward to future posts.


  3. Hi Kat,

    Thank u so much! Saw ur misi store, love the chunky green bracelet. Thanks for joining.


  4. That's really and amazing color combination. I really like the crafting of the article. Handmade Designer Jewellery is always the first choice for every girl and lady as they posses some fine cutting and crafting elegance.
